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From: Khodadad
email: khodadad21@yahoo.com
Category: Spiritual
Date: 05 May 1999
Time: 00:03:38
Well, I have been reading the articles posted here on the subject of conversion for quite a long time on one hand there are people like Amir who seem to be more open minded (I think he is Moslem though, from the name) then there are Parsees who are against the conversion and supporters of the purity of the religion. First of all, i don't know the attitude of the Indian Zoroastrians, they seem to have the religion all for themselves, and behave in a way that they think Ashu Zartusht brought the religion directly for them and them only. What do you guys mean when you say opposing the conversion kept your religion "pure"? Somebody up there said "Imagine if conversion was allowed, ...how many people would be Zartoshti in name, but actually have other beliefs". She basically believes that by stopping the conversion, those mobedhs kept the religion original. I don't know how much you guys have studied, but as far as I look Parsee Zoroastrianism looks more and more like Hinduism! Many of the "traditions" you want to hold on to have roots in the Hindu society surrounding you!
This is taking too long, basically what I want to say is whatever the religious clergy want to say, those religious clergy like Tansar and kartir who brought the corruption of the religion at the first place, wnyway, whatever they wanna say, if you believe in your heart in the Humata, Huvakhta, and Huvarashta, and accept with your heart what Ashu Zartosht taught, you are Zartoshti, whether the "Community" accepts you or not. They might be successful in excluding you from the "Community", but the ultimate goal which is reaching the eternal salvation is at the hands of Ahura Mazdah and him only.