From: Bahman Noruziaan
Date: 13 Apr 2000
Time: 20:06:02
The symbol of a man with the wings, is called "Fravahr" . This symbol is seen in Takht-e Jamshid, or Perspolis.
Some archeologists have claimed that this symbol represents "Ahura Mazda". Ahura Mazda being the name of the Creator, i.e. God in the Religion of Zarathushtra.
However, this claim can not be true, since in the Good Religion, Ahura Mazda is defined as being without shape and body.
But what did this symbol represent in ancient times? I do not have an answer for you about this. However, I can tell you what it maens and represents for today Zartoshtis.
The symblo, as I mentioned is called "Fravahr" or "Fravahar" . This word is coming from the Avestan word "Fravashi" or "Fravarti". The phylosophy of Fravashis is very deep in my opinion. "Shadravan Dr. Bahram Frahvashi" wrote a full book about Fravashis, called "Jahan-e Faravari" or the "Fravashi World" which I have unfortunately not read it.
In short, every thing in this world, either alive or non, has in itself a devine force which keeps it on track of what it is supposed to do and leads it in its lifetime on that right track. This force is the Fravahr. It will leave the object after its lifetime is ended and goes back to divinity. Every human being has his/her own Fravahr.
Now the Zartoshtis have taken the referred symbol to represent this force.
But what does this symbol remind me as a Zartoshti. I was taught in my religious school back in Iran this way:
The old man represents wisdom, and that we should follow wisdom and listen to the wise and experienced ones in our daily life.
The ring in the hand of the man, reminds us of the importance of covenant and promises we make. Especially the covenant we have with Mazda to promote Goodness and stop Evil.
The circle in the middle of the wings reminds us of the law of action and reaction. The effect of what we do will come to us somehow. Doing good will promote Goodness and will affect our life with goodness and doing bad will someway bring misery to us.
The two wings should have three layers, represnting Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds, reminding us that we can fly higher and higher in life using the wings of Goodness.
The skirt should have three layers represnting Bad Thoughts , Bad Words and Bad Deeds, reminding us that we should put Badness under our feet.
The two strings under the wing represnt the two oppsing forces in the universe. The two forces manifest themselves in our minds and lives as Good and Evil.
The two hands are uplifting reminding us of the respect for and pray to Mazda the wise.
Well this is one Iranian interpreation of this symbol. How old is this interpretation, I do not know. But that is what it represents for us the Zartoshtis today.
From: mark
Date: 28 Mar 2006
Time: 09:30:42