From: Ardeshir Mehta
Date: 25 Apr 2000
Time: 17:51:46
You wrote:
"... i'm an arya samaji who has been most inspired by the teachings of spitam zardusht and how closely the vedic religion and that of the mazda yasni are related in both vocabulary and practise... our yajna corresponds with your worship with atar, and our upanayan has parallels with the tying of kusti... is is saddening that modern hinduism has degenerated from the vedic religion which is much like the faith of ahurmazd, and has turned to the worship of idols and false gods...
my question is regarding vegetarianism in your religion... are boys who go through navjote expected to abstain from meat for any amount of time?"
You might have seen from your studies that in Vedic times, the practice of vegetarianism was not emphasised strictly. Indeed it seems clear that the vast majority of the Vedic people were *not* vegetarians.
You will get more information from the Introduction and initial chapters of my book "Zarathushtra", which can be downloaded (in Adobe Acrobat format) from my Web Site:
Best wishes,
Ardeshir Mehta.