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Re: Navjote and Upanayan

From: ashegan
Date: 26 Apr 2000
Time: 05:14:39


namaste ardeshir (what does your name mean?)

the practise of the brahmins in our religion, and particularly the arya samajis tally most closely with zarathustris... we are taught that aryas were once one mighty nation and the old religion degenerated into the worship of false gods and superstitions etc... that is when spitam zardusht came in and reformed the religion and gave rise to the mazda yasni... aryas were divided into two and they developed seperately from there...

i don't really know about the ancient aryas eating meat... brahmins who are supposed to be the truest aryas forbid it, though in some places like kashmir, brahmins eat meat freely, even mutton, but not beef and pork... i am in search of the original aryan thought, and i had hoped that by comparing our belief systems i could reach a compromise... and apply that in my own life...

thanks for responding...

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