From: Feraydoon BAHRASSA
Date: 26 Jun 2000
Time: 16:35:54
Dear Hormuzd: I was pleased to see your response to Marc Visseren on 18,June,2000 mentioning that "there is no one to stop you from believing in the teaching ZARATHUSHTRA and any one wanting to follow his foot step is also accepted as one of his followers.All it says is _if you have GOOD THOUGHTS, utter GOOD WORDS and do GOOD DEEDS_ then you will be a better human being. But might have been another person named Hormuzd who did not give his Email address disturbed me about one hour later on the same day sending comments to "dear readers" in regard to conversion. I hope he will see this response and realize that his comments about orthodox/Indo-Pak Parsee ,Mobeds, calling them stupid and self destructive was not a true Zarathushti comments.He seemed to be proud of being thick skin and soft headed. Of course in my opinion the inherent character of hooked nose ,buck teeth and many other characters are beautiful characters of ancester Zarathushtrians and because of these characters I have recognized many Zarathushtrians in shopping centers or restaurants in a remote town. He ought to leave South African Aparthied,religious Gurus and Germanic Aryans out side of our religion,but he ought to know that African race and Chinees race are alraedy part of our religion and unseparable from our GOOD RELIGION.We need to open our arms,accept and welcome the new comers to our religion. We must continue to learn Prophet Zarathushtra's teaching ,educate our children, and others ,encourage early marriage ,4 or more chilren of their own or adotions in whichever country that may be still allowed and support these families and other needy zarthushtrians. I foresea the growth and prosperity of our zarathushti community in the new millenium specifically in westercountries and Iran.May AHURA MAZDA lead us to the right path. Sincerely; Feraydoon
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