From: Hormuzd
Date: 10 Jul 2000
Time: 20:28:41
Dear Dina, Thanks for your reply, and appreciating my text. I mean there is nothing extraordinary that I wrote about conversion, but what really worries me is the rapid fall in our numbers, and what is more sad is that we are practising a kind of 'religious apartheid' which to me is worse than the South Africans practised, theirs was atleast honestly put as difference in colour and race, but ours is devoid of any valid reason. We are in fact, depriving well meaning converts to our philosophy, and thus proceeding to self destruction and a suicidal policy. I am sure Spitaman Zarathushtra would not give any credit to us, if we fail him. Nobody has yet come forward and said that " Our prophet did not like people with black pigment, or because their eyes were a bit too slanty, or they were too pale in colour," if any one can prove that it is written in the holy book, and show a true translation of it, I would accept it, even then it would not stand the test of modern thinking and our religion's philosophy, and this would be the greatest disservice we would inflict upon the good name of Asho Spitaman Zarathushtra. It is surprising and rather flattering for our community, that the name of Zarathushtra was used by a well known German philosopher like Frederick Nietze in 1881, in his book ' THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSHTRA' be it out of his eccentricity or just a very honest person to recognise that ZARATHUSHTRA was the first one to promote truthfulness as the prime mover in all societies, but then he was ostrasized by the other rigid fraternity of Christianity for being the Anti-Christ. Remember the oft repeated saying that " No religion is greater than TRUTH". So after all this waffle, what do we decide? To just go
ahead and say if any one can recite" Ashem Vohu and Yatha Ahuvairio" be accepted as a Zarathushtri. Do they then wear Sudreh and Kushti to identify themselves? and do we have the 'Mobed force' to confirm it? or any lay person would do? Lastly, the main-stream of Zardushtis, if they refuse them as one of us, then do we call ourselves NEO-ZARDUSHTIS and be done with that? Otherwise, my friends time is running out, and the more we discuss and procrastinate, the more followers we are going to lose, along with the siblings of mixed marriages, who are continually in a state of limbo, from birth to death. I personally think that we have come to a certain stage, when we cannot afford to discuss any more, but to act positively and get the movement of conversion going. In conclusion, I would be very grateful for other Zardushtis' active contribution and final decision. No doubt, we will face a lot of flak from the hard-liners, but that is inevitable. I feel the moment of truth has atlast come to us, and I repeat, we have to act. Best wishes to all of you, and may the lord Ahura Mazda go with you