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Re: Historical question in regard to Arab invasion of Iran

From: Tina
Date: 20 Jul 2000
Time: 10:22:23


Hi Ron, As far as i know, and i'm no authority - just a student of history, the Zoroastrians were offered a choice. If they accepted Islam ass their religion they were left alone. If, however they refused, they were persecuted. The Jizyah tax was the least of the impositions and the persecution was intense and severe, lasting upto the early 20th century. In may ways the persecution was similar to Nazi persecution of the Jews - apart from the genocide.

However there are those such as Gustad K Nariman who believe that the persecution started only after several centuries of Muslim rule - the first three centuries were free from persecution. Only the Jizya tax was applied, and the logic for that was that all Muslims had to pay an alms tax and haj tax.

Hope i've been able to help.


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