Zarathushtra - (Zoroaster)





The Gathas



The Gathas are the divine songs of Zarathushtra which have remained intact as part of the Yasna, the oldest Zoroastrian scripture which has been passed down through history, and has come into our hands today. The Gathas is the only part of the Zoroastrian scripture which is directly attributed to Zarathushtra.

The Gathas is in five parts.

  1. Ahunuvaiti Gatha in 7 chapters, which starts from Chapter 28 of the Yasna and ends in Chapter 34.
  2. Ushtavad Gatha in 4 chapters, which starts from Chapter 43 of the Yasna and ends in Chapter 46.
  3. Spentamad Gatha in 4 chapters, which starts from Chapter 47 of the Yasna and ends in Chapter 50.
  4. Vohukhashatr Gatha in 1 chapter, which is Chapter 51 of the Yasna.
  5. Vahestuesh Gatha in 1 chapter, which is Chapter 53 of the Yasna.


This electronic version of the Gathas of Zarathushtra is taken from the translation of the Gathas by Mobed Firouz Azargoshasb, which was printed by the Council of Iranian Mobeds of North America in March 1988.



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This page was last updated on Friday, February 11, 2005.