Zarathushtra - (Zoroaster)






The American Constitution through a Zoroastrian perspective



We hold these Truths to be absolute, though not self-evident, that all Men are created in the same image, and are endowed by their Creator with one and only one unalienable Right, the Right to Choose one’s responses and actions in any given situation and at any given moment.

We believe that the universe operates based on certain timeless, absolute, and immutable spiritual Laws, among these are the Laws of Truth, Love, and Justice. We believe that though not self-evident, the lie will ultimately self-destruct and Truth shall prevail. We believe that Love will transmute all things into goodness, and that Justice is the order of the Universe in which we live.

We believe that we are also endowed with certain privileges that are the byproducts and indirect outcomes of the way we live. Among these are the privileges of Life, Liberty and the Ensuing Happiness. We believe that Life is not a Right, but an outcome of the choices that we make. The privilege of being alive and being permeated with vitality is one that we need to consciously express in every choice that we make. That Liberty is not a Right bestowed upon us by our Creator, but a way of approaching our choices. We believe that we are endowed with the privilege of choosing freely, in spite of our external circumstances or outer pressures. And we believe that Happiness is what ensues as a result of the type of choices that we make, that when we choose to align ourselves with the Universal Laws and pursue the right and the good, then happiness will automatically be bestowed upon us.

We believe that no government and no individual has the Right, nor the Ability to determine what we believe and what we think. That no entity can limit or suppress our Divine Right to Choose. We believe that although our privileges are temporal and may change by circumstances outside of our own control, our one and only Right and Power cannot be revoked. That at any given moment we have the Right to express who we are, think what we will, and choose what we wish. It is self-evident that our choices have consequences, and that we may revoke one privilege for attaining another. But which to forego and which to express is entirely our choice.

We believe that at all times we have the right to believe what we will, including believing in this document, and at all times we have the right to choose to change our opinions, thoughts, and beliefs, without any prior notice or warning.

Ó Shahriar Shahriari
Vancouver Canada
February 9, 1998


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